Top 5 Ways to Take Kratom Powder for Maximum Benefits

Top 5 Ways to Take Kratom Powder for Maximum Benefits

Kratom powder is a popular herbal supplement known for its many health benefits, including pain relief, increased energy, and improved mood. However, taking kratom powder can be a bit tricky for some people due to its bitter taste. If you’re looking to maximize the benefits of kratom powder, here are five ways you can take it that may help mask the taste and make it more enjoyable.

1. Mix with Juice or Smoothies

One of the easiest ways to take kratom powder is by mixing it with your favorite juice or smoothie. The sweetness of the juice or smoothie can help mask the bitter taste of the kratom powder, making it more palatable. Simply mix a teaspoon or two of kratom powder into your drink of choice and stir well until fully dissolved. You can also add fruits like bananas or berries to further enhance the flavor.

2. Make Kratom Tea

Another popular way to consume kratom powder is by making it into tea. To make kratom tea, simply boil water in a pot and add your desired amount of kratom powder. Let it simmer for about 10-15 minutes before straining out the solid particles using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth. You can sweeten your tea with honey or sugar if desired.

3. Toss and Wash Method

The toss and wash method is one of the quickest ways to take kratom powder but may not be suitable for everyone due to its strong taste. To use this method, simply measure out your desired dose of kratom powder and toss it into your mouth followed by a sip of water or juice to wash it down quickly.

4. Capsules

If you find that you cannot tolerate the taste of kratom powder at all, capsules may be an ideal option for you. Many vendors sell pre-filled capsules containing measured doses of kratompowder which makes dosing easy and convenient.

5.Mix with Yogurt


In conclusion,takingkratompowderdoesnotneedtobeaunpleasantexperience.Therearemanywaysyoucantakeitthatmayhelpmaskthebittertasteandsomeevenaddtotheflavor.Enjoyingthemedicinalbenefitsofkratomshouldnotcomeatabigcost,andbyexperimentingwithdifferentmethods,youmayfindonethatworksbestforyou.Whetheritmakesintoateaoraddingittoyourmorningsmoothie,followthesetipstoenhancethebenefitsofkratompowderwhilemakingittastebetterasyoutakeit.